Monday, February 17, 2020

Healthy Foods For Hardcore Gamer

Healthy Foods For Hardcore Gamer

Almost for entire people in the world, gaming activity is the most fun things to do right? That is so exited that could make you forget to take good nutrition, and not only about that, gamer also forget how to sleep and take a rest while they are playing their stuff.

Many players forgot to sleep for several days and if you really want to know what will happen that could kills you, more gamer choose an easy meal to keep their stomach full even it's not good for their health, they keep those things up. For example they eat instant noodle, potato chips in huge portion or even worse they ate too much high calories things.

Well it could make you feel so full in an instant but if you repeatedly ate those things, it could damage your health in long-term condition. If you trying to seek a good nutrition for your body while you are a hardcore gamer, you should try those stuff you keep your gaming activity heat up all day!

1. Cereal

The most easiest thing to serve and eat is cereal, that much way better than you eat an instant noodle. Easy serving, a fast one to keep your brain working properly, if you play any Poker games like in IDN Poker or Poker IDN, your brain will need this!

2. Sandwich

This one also can be your alternative option if you trying to keep your eyes on to your computer in a long period. Healthy, delicious, easy to serve and you will be full longer. It will be better if you serve this one in warm condition with half cooked poached egg.

3. Fruits

Indeed everyone will need this one, you should change your junk food schedule to this one. Sweet and easy to serve.

4. Poached egg

Even it's not the best thing you can eat but it can be your alternative meal. Egg's cholesterol had so many benefit to your money, you could get vitamins and more nutrition. Poached egg is better than you serve a fried egg, you can add more seasoning like salt, pepper, chili sauce, tomato and many more!

5. Sushi

Well this one is not easy and not cheap, but it has OMEGA-3 EPA. That's why this Japanese food also the best alternative to your body while you playing games in long period of time.

6. Soup

Chicken soup, beef soup, vegetables soup, serve it warm and it could be the best food you can eat without worrying about malnutrition. A good taste, high nutrition, it could make you play game much longer than before!

7. Milk

Some gamer will choose soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee and many more drink that contains high amount of caffeine. You can try to change it with milk, in addition to giving a sense of fullness, milk is also healthy. But if you had an allergy to milk, change it to the mineral water, much way better than soft drinks.

That's it the best alternative food for you guys that being called a hardcore gamer, try to keep your body healthy cause there are so many cases about a gamer passed away cause they played game way too long without worrying about a good nutrition. And guys it's not only about the food but you also have to take a rest, never ruin your body.

Read Also article in Indonesian: Berita Aktual Indonesia

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